新山清写真展「松山にて」Alt_Mediumにて開催/Kiyoshi Niiyama "After 1945" at Alt_Medium
新山清の子息であり、その写真アーカイブを管理する新山洋一氏は、本展出陳作を「松山時代」と呼び、そこにあらわされた屈託のないまなざしにとりわけ愛着を持っていると語っています。現在では主観主義写真の代表的な実践者としても知られる新山清ですが、松山時代の諸作からは、美的な趣味判断のみにとどまらず、その土地の様子やそこに生きる人々の営みを率直に記録することへの関心が窺われます。そのことは、もしかしたら、さまざまな破壊や喪失によって塗り込められてしまった戦争という時代の経験、そして、そのような状況からついに解放されたことへの喜びによって、裏打ちされていたのかもしれません。 この機会にぜひご高覧ください。
〒161-0033 東京都新宿区下落合2-6-3 堀内会館1F
An exhibition of photographs by Kiyoshi Niiyama, photographer of the book "At the Tidal Flats" published by Kinkan Publishing last September 2022, will be held at ALt_Medium in Takadanobaba, Tokyo.
The exhibition, titled “After 1945," will feature a series of photographs taken in Matsuyama (Ehime), where Niiyama stayed for a while after the war.
It was during this time that the photographs included in "At the Tidal Flats" were taken. We hope that the photographs of postwar Matsuyama left by Kiyoshi Niiyama will provide a glimpse of what that period was like for Niiyama and his people.
(Kyoko Ota, Kinkan Publishing)
Kiyoshi Niiyama was born in Ehime Prefecture in 1911, and continued to produce a substantial body of photographic work before and after World War II until his unexpected death in 1969. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in Kiyoshi Niiyama's work, with exhibitions of his photographs being held in a variety of venues.
This exhibition at Alt_Medium will feature photographs taken by Kiyoshi Niiyama in his hometown of Matsuyama, Ehime Prefecture, during the seven years following the war.
Yoichi Niiyama, Kiyoshi's son and managing and archiving his photographs, calls the photographs in this exhibition "Matsuyama Era" and says that he is particularly attached to the carefree gaze expressed in them. Although Kiyoshi Niiyama is now known as a leading practitioner of Subjective Photography, his works from the Matsuyama period show his interest in candidly documenting the local conditions and the activities of the people living there, rather than merely judging them based on aesthetic taste. Perhaps this was backed up by his experience of the war years, which were marked by destruction and loss, and by his joy at finally being freed from such circumstances.
(Yu Shinoda, Alt_Medium)
Kiyoshi Niiyama "After 1945"
2023.6.16 Fri.-6.28 Wed.*Closed on Thursday.
Curated by Alt_Medium
Cooperation: Yoichi Niiyama (Cosmos International), Kinkan Gallery/Kinkan Publishing
Horiuchi Kaikan 1F, 2-6-3 Shimo-Ochiai, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 161-0033, Japan