展示関連イベント:此処だけの音描き/Just Between Your Sound and My Drawing
Just Between Your Sound and My Drawing
2022.10.8 Sat
Open 19:00 | Start 19:30
¥1,500(with 1drink)
Yow Funahashi - Saxophone
Naoto Yamagishi - Percussion
Ryoji Hirose - Drawing
Kinkan Online Store
As a related event to Ryoji Hirose's “Just Between You and Me,” Ryoji Hirose will give a live drawing with improvisation performance by saxophonist Yow Funahashi and percussionist Naoto Yamagishi.
Ticket reservations are available at the online store.
Kinkan Online Store
*Admission tickets are available by reservation only.
*The deadline for applications is the day of the event. Reservations may be closed depending on the number of people. Please understand that we may close reservations depending on the number of people.
舩橋陽 Yow Funahashi
1995年より主にサキソフォンによる演奏表現を開始。現在は即興演奏を軸に活動する。ダンスなどの舞台作品への楽曲提供や演奏参加で積極的に関わり、幾つかの作品は、イタリア、ドイツ、ポーランド、アメリカ、韓国でも上演された。同様にファッションや書籍の展示会、映像作品のためのサウンドなども手掛けている。2012年、RONDADEより1st album「3AM」をリリース。
Yow Funahashi began performing mainly with saxophone in 1995. Currently, he focuses on improvisation. He is actively involved in providing music and participating in performances for dance and other stage productions, and some of his works have been performed in Italy, Germany, Poland, the U.S., and South Korea. He has also worked on fashion and book exhibitions, as well as sound for video productions. In 2012, he released his first album "3AM" from RONDADE. Since 2008, in parallel with his musical activities, he has been presenting sound objets, photographs, and other works in the field of fine art, as if he had extracted the mechanism that generates sound.
山㟁直人 Naoto Yamagishi
Drummer and percussionist.
He explores music before music, and travels with sound through all kinds of spaces, grooving the "rhythm, sonority, and space" generated by the sounds and flows of everyday life as a big swell.
In 2011, he moved to Rennes, France. After working as a musician in Europe, he returned to Japan in 2014. He has collaborated with various artists (musicians, dancers, poets, photographers, calligraphers, flower arrangers, painters, visual artists, monks, etc.) in Japan and abroad, regardless of genre, and continues to work on projects based in Japan around the world.
*Sanitizing sprays are placed at the entrance, and air is changed periodically. Please wear a mask and disinfect at the entrance when you visit.
*In order to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection, admission may be restricted for safety reasons.