十日町の山間部にある集落桐山、ここではかつて70世帯あまりの人々が暮らしていたが、現在は私の家を含めて3世帯のみが暮らしている。私はこの集落の古い家を借りて住み、耕作放棄地を耕し、米と野菜を育てながら、自分の家や近隣の風景を写真で撮ってきて、現在一年が過ぎた。自然に覆われていく景色のなかで、ここから人がいなくなっても植物や動物はなんの関係もないように淡々と生きていくんだろうと、そんなことを思っていた。誰も住まなくなった家は放っておけば冬の豪雪に押し潰され、やがて草木に覆われて、そこにあった人の生活の気配もなくなっていく。ここに住みはじめてしばらく経って、屋根裏の片付けをしているとき、かつてこの家に暮らしていた古い家族写真が大量に置かれているのを見つけた。長い年月、見られることのなかったで あろう写真のなかの時間は今でも生々しく写真のなかにあるようで、それからは私の生活のなかでもその時間はまだここにあるように思えて、私はその時間を覗きこむように写真を撮りはじめた。
2024年 7月 橋本貴雄
本展「交信」では、その家族写真のスライド上映と自身の写真作品を言葉で繋ぎながら、写真を介した場所や時間の再構築を試みます。また、7月13日から開催される「大地の芸術祭 越後妻有アートトリエンナーレ2024」の一環として、BankART妻有にて同タイトルでの展覧会が開催されます。距離・時間・それぞれの場所が、橋本と鑑賞者をどのように結びつけていくのか、この機会にご高覧ください。
[橋本貴雄 関連展示]
大地の芸術祭 越後妻有アートトリエンナーレ2024 / BankART妻有
2024.7.13 Sat. - 11.10 Sun. (火・水定休 ※祝日を除く)
In Kiriyama, a village in the mountainous region of Tokamachi, there used to be over 70 households, but now only three, including mine, remain. I rented an old house in this village, and over the past year, I have been cultivating abandoned farmland, growing rice and vegetables, and photographing my home and the surrounding scenery. Nature is slowly covering the landscape, and I often think that even if people disappear from here, plants and animals will continue to live on indifferently. Houses left uninhabited will eventually lose any traces of human life that once existed, erased by heavy winter snows and covered with grass and trees. After some time had passed since I started living in this house, I was cleaning the attic when I found a large number of photos belonging to the family that once lived here. The moments captured in these photos felt vividly alive, as if time were still flowing. Since then, it seemed as though that time still existed in my life, and I began taking photos as if peering into that time.
As I looked at family photos, decades of time overlapped, and from the whole picture, the image of a single woman emerged. I imagined what she saw, heard, and felt, and I added my words to the family photos as if they were her words. The words also depict the scenes I am currently observing in this place. I've been thinking a lot about why people seek connections with the past, the certainty and elusiveness of time, and our uncertainty within it all.
July 2024, Takao Hashimoto
Kinkan Gallery will host Takao Hashimoto's exhibition “Intersect” from July 20th to August 12th.
After relocating from Germany to Japan, Takao Hashimoto settled in the remote village of Tokamachi, Niigata, in 2023, where he continued his artwork while living in an old house. One day, he discovered old family photographs in the house, evoking a sense of blending between himself, the environment surrounding him, and the people who once lived there. Reflecting on his existence, he has captured daily life through photography, overlaying it with the passage of time and the acceptance of nature by wildlife and vegetation.
In “Intersect,” Hashimoto endeavors to reconstruct places and times by connecting these family photographs with his own photographic works and words. Concurrently, as part of the Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale 2024, starting on July 13th, BankART Tsumari will host his exhibition under the same title. Explore how distance, time, and different locations intertwine Hashimoto and the viewers. We invite you to experience this opportunity.
(Kyoko Ota, Kinkan Gallery)
[Takao Hashimoto Related Exhibition]
Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale 2024 / BankART Tsumari
2024.7.13 Sat. - 11.10 Sun. (Closed on Tue. and Wed. *Except for national holidays)
Photos (from top, 1-6):
1, 3, 4 / Takao Hashimoto
2, 5, 6 / From the attic of an old farmhouse in Tokamachi, Niigata
*Sanitizing sprays are placed at the entrance, and air is changed periodically. Please disinfect at the entrance when you visit.
*Information on events will be posted on the web and SNS.