金柑画廊は、2月24日(土)から3月17日(日)まで、フィリピンを拠点に活動する3人のアーティスト、エヴァ・ユウ、ヴィク・ラウゴ、マリアーノ・バトカベによる“Save Us from Manila, via Surplus”を開催いたします。エヴァ・ユウはグラフィックデザインの本質に触発され、水彩画や版画作品を制作しています。ヴィック・ラウゴは音楽プロデューサーであり、作曲家、マルチ楽器奏者、そしてビジュアルアーティストとしても活動しています。マリアーノ・バトカベはビジュアルアーティストで、ドローイング、絵画、版画作品を制作しています。
フィリピンには、多くの”Japan Surplus Store”(日本の余剰品店)があり、日本の中古品が倉庫のように大きい店舗で大量に販売されています。アーティストであるエヴァ・ユー、ヴィク・ラウゴ、マリアーノ・バトカベは、余剰物の持つ物語に惹かれ、そこから着想を得て制作した作品群を展示いたします。この機会にご高覧ください。
(マライア・レオディカ, フィルムメーカー/ライター/ミュージシャン)
フィリピンを拠点に活動する音楽プロデューサー、作曲家、マルチインストゥルメンタリスト、そしてビジュアルアーティスト。O.I. Research Partnersの共同設立者でもある。
Instagram: @viklaugo
Instagram: @mariano.batocabe
Kinkan Gallery is pleased to present "Save Us from Manila, via Surplus" by three artists based in the Philippines, Ev Yu, Vik Laugo, and Mariano Batocabe, from February 24th through March 17th. Ev Yu is inspired by the essence of graphic design, creating watercolor and print works. Vik Laugo is a music producer, composer, multi instrumentalist and visual artist. Mariano Batocabe is a visual artist and his interest is in drawing, painting, and printmaking. The Philippines is home to many "Japan Surplus Stores," where used Japanese goods are sold in bulk in large warehouse-like outlets. Artists Ev Yu, Vik Laugo, and Mariano Batocabe are drawn to the stories behind surplus items. They see these objects as puzzles and create works inspired by them. We invite you to view their works on this occasion.
(Kyoko Ota, Kinkan Gallery)
The following objects ride the currents of mass production form Japan to the Philippines: ceramics sold by the kilogram for a hundred yen, crystal glass ashtrays, dusty and dusted-off dolls, vintage console tables, low-set swivel chairs upholstered in muted shades, well-worn records, tatami floor mats, decades-old duffel bags, once-used clear umbrellas, artifactual gadgets, convenient gizmos, and other items eager to see the light of day once more. Some are basically used, while others are brand-new.
These are put on sale in various Japan surplus stores around the Philippines, which are frequented by people looking for bargains and character. Each warehouse compresses decades of stories into aisles convenient for browsing, beckoning a prospective buyer to see which is worth their while. As artists, Ev Yu, Vik Laugo, and Mariano Batocabe, are drawn to the stories within the idea of surplus, fascinated with speculating about what an object was, how it got here, and what it could be.
Having been to Japan and seeing different cities, both from urban centers to quiet cities, I was inspired by those, and make a series of drawings that encapsulate the feeling of getting lost and overwhelmed by the visual cues.
(Mariah Reodica, Filmmaker/Writer/Musician)
“I usually have something specific in mind when going to the surplus. Oddly, most ofthe time they come up. It’s like I have surplus ESP! I made paintings of shells in fancy forms because surplus shopping is like diving into a sea of things with a mission to find some treasure.”
Ev Yu
Ev Yu is a Manila based visual artist. She started self publishing comics and zines which
allowed further exploration to print making. This also acts as primer to create more
experimental narratives in her watercolor works.
Inspired by the nature of graphic design and duplication , her choice of imagery are based
on tweaked comic panel layouts.
“I discovered Japan Surplus in my early 20s. Whenever I find unusual objects. The sense of wonder makes me imagine what the objects was used for, make up stories and places only the mind can perceive. I can amuse myself for hours just thinking about it. Sometimes I scare myself thinking who may be the previous owner. Of course, I could consult the Internet to find answers but I am too lazy to do so. For objects to capture such mystique is one of the reasons I enjoy rummaging through surplus items.”
Vik Laugo
Vik Laugo is a music producer, composer, multi instrumentalist and visual artist based in
the Philippines. He is the co-founder of O.I. Research Partners.
Instagram: @viklaugo
“Having been to Japan and seeing different cities, both from urban centers to quiet cities, I was inspired by those, and make a series of drawings that encapsulate the feeling of getting lost and overwhelmed by the visual cues. A similar feeling when going through items in a Japan Surplus in the Philippines, as well as the sense of an object, its past histories and owners interest me. The idea that the object went through a lot, from its past owners, shipment, to the Philippines, as a surplus bargain item gives heavy emphasis on its innate history.”
Mariano Batocabe
Mariano Batocabe is a visual artist, curator, and organizer based in Las Piñas City, Philippines. Through mark-making by means of painting, drawing, self-publishing. and printmaking, he samples archival images, gestures, and eclectic subcultures to annotate the anecdotal nature of lived histories.
Instagram: @mariano.batocabe
(From the top)
Second: Ev Yu
Third: Vik Laugo
Forth: Mariano Batocabe
*Sanitizing sprays are placed at the entrance, and air is changed periodically.
*Information on events will be posted on the web and SNS.