金柑画廊は、5月13日(土)から6月4日(日)まで、吉川徹「Salience | 突起」を開催いたします。
吉川徹は、米国ポートランドで絵画を学び、帰国後、デザイナーとしてTOMATO/Underworldとのプロジェクトに参画、現在クリエイティブ・ディレクター業務の傍ら作家活動を再開しています。本展では、わかりやすさが重要視されがちな近年の傾向に対する、彼の持つ疑問への一つの回答として制作された作品群「Salience | 突起」を展示いたします。吉川の身近にある素材から制作されたこの作品群は、見過ごして当然と思われるものにも彼(人)が介入することで、それが少しシフトし(この少しのシフトは小さくも大きい)、自身の作品へと変容していきます。この少しのシフトは吉川が感じた突起(セイリアンス)であり、それが見る側にとっても突起となり、理解から感覚への移行の促しとなっていきます。わかりやすさと自己表現は、どこまでも並走して、同等にはなり得ないのだろうと思います。日々の躓きは美しい。この機会にご高覧ください。
Kinkan Gallery is pleased to present Toru Yoshikawa's solo exhibition "Salience" from May 13 to June 4.
Toru Yoshikawa studied painting in Portland, US. After returning to Japan, he started to work as a designer and participated in projects with TOMATO/Underworld. And currently works as a creative director and has recently resumed his activities as an artist. In this exhibition, we present "Salience," a series of works created to answer his question about the recent tendency to emphasize “understanding.” This group of works, created from things that Yoshikawa is familiar with, is transformed into his works by his (human) intervention in things taken for granted and overlooked, which shift a little (this little shift is small but large). This slight shift is a salience felt by Yoshikawa that becomes a salience for the viewer, which prompts a shift from understanding to sensation. “Understanding" and self-expression can run parallel and cannot be equal. Daily stumbles are beautiful. Please take this opportunity to view it.
*Salience: a salient or projecting object or phenomenon. In psychiatry, it refers to a new, inexperienced stimulus that suddenly appears.
(Kyoko Ota, Kinkan Gallery)
*Sanitizing sprays are placed at the entrance, and air is changed periodically.
*Information on events will be posted on the web and SNS.