今年の10月に写真集「Love Letter」(青幻社)が刊行されたクロダミサトの新作のシリーズを展示いたします。花とヌードをテーマに展開される「Autumn」は、彼女が花農家の家に育ったこと、受験時代に通った予備校でのデッサンの際に感じていた人の肌や花が持つ有機的な線の美しさを改めて表現したいと思ったことからスタートしています。これまでの彼女のストレートな写真とはまた違った写真のイメージを重ねていく作業の行程に、ドローイングを描き出すような感覚を覚えたとクロダミサトは語ります。
クロダミサト写真集「Love Letter」と合わせて、今回のクロダミサトの新作をご高覧ください。
Kinkan Gallery is pleased to announce a new exhibition of photographs by Misato Kuroda, "Autumn" from November 28 to December 27.
This exhibition features new series of photographs by Misato Kuroda, whose photo book "Love Letter" (Seigensha) was published in October this year. The theme of "Autumn" is flowers and nudes, which started with her upbringing in a flower-farming family and her desire to express the beauty of the organic lines of human skin and flowers, which she had sensed during sketching at a preparatory school she attended during her examinations. Misato Kuroda says that the process of layering the images of her photographs, which was different from her previous straightforward photographs, felt like creating a drawing.
We hope that you will enjoy the new works of Misato Kuroda, together with her book "Love Letter".
(Kyoko Ota, Kinkan Gallery)
*In order to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection, admission may be restricted for safety reasons.