P.N.C.A.絵画科卒(BFA)米国ポートランド。創作活動を続けるうちに、アーティストとしての自我の解放に疑問を持ち始め (作家談)帰国後、デザイナーとして活動を開始。英国のクリエイティブ集団トマト/アンダーワールドのワークショップ、アートプロジェクト、ライブイベント等に参画。以後、国内外クリエイティブのコーディネイト、リボンアートワークを制作するリボネシアのディレクター業務などに携わり、パンデミックを機に個人の作家活動を再開する。
Born in Kawasaki, Japan in 1964.
Graduated P.N.C.A. Painting (BFA), Portland, United States. As he continued his creative activities, he started to doubt the release of his ego as an artist (according to the artist); after returning to Japan, he started working as a designer. He has participated in workshops, art projects, live events, etc., for the British creative group TOMATO and Underworld. In the last decades, he has coordinated domestic and international creative firms, including a director of RIBBONESIA, which produces ribbon artwork. He resumed his individual artistic activities in the wake of the pandemic.